Vende Tu Música En Línea

Crea una cuenta gratuita de MusicDiffusion® para distribuir tu música por todo el mundo, desde 250+ socios de música digital. Conseguirás que tu música escuchada, llegar a nuevos fans y mantener 100% de sus derechos. Regístrese hoy — es rápido y fácil.

FAST: Get sold on Itunes, played on Spotify & 250+ socios de música digital.

As soon as you sign up, you can access to the MusicDiffusion® Dashboard and start having complete control to distribute your music over iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, Youtube, TikTok and much more. With MusicDiffusion, you are sure to have your music on all platforms, all over the world..

EASY: Share your music with the globe & Keep the control…

As a MusicDiffusion® Artist, you maintain complete creative control. You decide when you’ll release new music, what your fans will hear, where and how you’ll market it. Our exclusive MusicDiffusion® AI and our hundred thousand members community help you in your creative process, to grow your fan base and reach your full potential!

FAIR: Distribute your music for free to social platforms and add all music platforms for 2.99€ by track. Unlimited distribution for only 9.99€ a complete year!

For once, you will get a fairplay deal. Distribute & sell your music over the world right away, as long as you need with no extra-cost. And you keep 100% of your rights without exclusivity!


Sign up to our platform and upload your music


Distribute your music to the stores of your choice, worldwide


Check your sales reports and collect royalties


Te damos la oportunidad de vender y monetizar tu música en todos los principales servicios de música digital en todo el mundo.
Cubrimos la red más grande y nunca nos detenemos para agregar nuevos servicios. Asegúrate de que tu música llegue a la mayor audiencia con MusicDiffusion!

El único distribución ilimitado & Por La Vida

Albumes y Artistas Ilimitados para £E 516 UN AÑO. Distribuye tanta música como quieras EN TODAS PARTES, y PARA SIEMPRE!

More questions?

How to sell my music through MusicDiffusion®?

We make it easy to distribute your music and collect revenue! Once you get registered, access to our online music distribution platform. Then:

Why should I choose MusicDiffusion® to distribute my music?

MusicDiffusion® is a music distribution platform powered by a real music label: Most Wanted Music. Like you, we are artists, musicians, music producers and publishers working with big names of the music industry as Akon, Flo Rida, Snoop Dogg, Universal Music, Warner Music or Sony Music…
With MusicDiffusion®, we believe in leveling the playing field for all independent artists and music labels, from emerging to established; that’s why we provide the best pricing model that allows you to distribute your music worldwide, keep 100% of your rights and 90% sales revenue. Artists have the opportunity to collect even more revenue through our Music Publishing Administration.

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