MusicDiffusion in front of Sacem, Universal, Warner and Sony Music
Thanks to our fast-growing community and our hundred thousand users worldwide.
According Amazon Alexa Ranking which compare all websites in terms of trafic and engagement, our French company MusicDiffusion is now in front of the French author rights organisation Sacem, Universal Music France, Warner Music France e Sony Music France!

Poiché 2018, MusicDiffusion is the pioneer and first 360° platform dedicated to music creators.
With MusicDiffusion, any music maker can protect, distribute and monetize its music on all music stores & platforms around the world. Musicians can collaborate with other music creators worldwide on the first social network dedicated to music, and access to many exclusive artist services from music promotion & playlist pitching to free website creation. Since its launch in 2018 and with its agressive and low-cost tarifications, MusicDiffusion quickly became today one leader and famous name of the industry.
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