MusicDiffusion® Publishing Administration
Earn money with your author and composer rights
How do I know if publishing administration is right for me?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may want a music publisher to work on your behalf.
I already use a PRO. Why would I need a publishing administrator?
Performing rights organizations like ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC collect your performance royalties only, and we work with them to collect these royalties on your behalf. In addition, MusicDiffusion® is also able to collect 13 different types of royalties for you, some of which are nearly impossible to collect without a publishing administrator.
I want to get my song features in films, TV, commercials, etc. How can MusicDiffusion® help with this?
MusicDiffusion® in partnership with the famous music label Most Wanted Music, will pitch your songs to a huge network of film directors, agencies, TVs, radios and majors to let them know that your music is available for use and placements.