Sell Your Music on Google Play

MusicDiffusion® has partnered with Google Play to help your music reach a wider audience. Sell your music on Google Play through either à la carte digital downloads or through a subscription service called Google Play All Access.

Top 4 Things to Know About Google Play

Where does Google Play distribute my music?

Google Play is currently available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States. Google Play All Access is currently available in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.

How does Google Play sell my music?

Google Play sells your music via downloads and streams.

How much money will I make from Google Play sales?

For songs downloaded individually, you will be paid the wholesale price of Google Play’s retail price. For instance, your wholesale payout for a download of a single will be $0.70; a download of an album will be $0.70 x the number of tracks, with a maximum payout amount of $7.00 per album. For paid streams, you get paid a proportionate share of Google Play’s subscription revenue per month.

How long does it take for my music to go live on Google Play?

It takes about 2 weeks for your songs to go live on Google Play.

Interested in collecting songwriter royalties? Find out more about MusicDiffusion® Publishing Administration.

Professional or Music Label?

Become a MusicDiffusion Platinum Member for only 15,99€/YEAR, and distribute as much releases as you like on all digital platforms!

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